Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Luca Miti - Mansions (2001)

1) Musica Per "E Non Mi Resta Che Tornare Solo"
2) Mens Conclusa + Tre Variazioni Su "Mens Conclusa"
3) Omaggio A Saverio Ungheri (excerpt)
4) Giocattoli
5) II Progetto Per La Regolamentazione E l’Ordinamento Dei Flussi     Estetici Per La Comunità Di Topolò 2001 (excerpt)
6-7) Musica Per "Immaginate La Notte" (versione Morlacchi)


Luca Miti in his works tends to put himself in relation to the sound, searching for the interaction between sound and environment, and – more important – between the capability to produce a sound and to receive it. Some “theatre” music – raw excerpts of sparse, subtle electronic sounds (for “E non mi resta che tornare solo”). The audio component of the “sound installation” – “Mens Conclusa” – a loop with scratching and clicking sounds and mutant voices. The electronic interaction between two performers (Miti himself and his long time friend Francesco Michi) in the long “Giocattoli” (“Toys”) – a sparse sound ambient due to the use of small, low-fi live electronics and “anachronistic” electronic sounds. The sound flux (again from Michi and Miti) that de-sign the time-space of specific place, in “II° Progetto per la regolamentazione e l’ordinamento dei flussi estetici per la comunità di Topolò 2001”. And then, to close, the soundtrack for another theatrical piece; “Immaginate la notte”, modeled on Massenet and pregnant with a lyrical atmosphere that finally flows in a tonal ending for accordion; an amusing counterpart for a work that well represent, even if in a fragmented way, the sounding universe of the author.

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